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Coriolis VLSI EDA / Coriolis
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterCoriolis VLSI CAD Tools
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Remi Cadene / tensorflow-model-zoo.torch
Apache License 2.0InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-Resnet pretrained models for Torch7 and PyTorch
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Alliance VLSI EDA. A complete set of GPL tools to design an ASIC.
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Alliance/Coriolis Toolkit & Checker contain various design flow examples, blocks or full chips. It is also used as a regression test for all the tools.
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The code deposit for the "SSH Super-Resolution using high resolution SST with a Subpixel Convolutional Residual Network" article submitted at Climate informatics 2022
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Specification of persistent storage for causal consistency database
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This repository provides a template to generate webpages for the team of Matthieu Cord.
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Remi Cadene / torchnet-vision
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePretrained Convnets for Torch7 (Inception, Resnet, VGG, etc.) + Data augmentation
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Fabrice Lecuyer / rescience-gorder
MIT LicenseThis is the source code of the 2021 replication for ReScience of the paper "Speedup Graph Processing by Graph Ordering" by Hao Wei, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Can Lu, and Xuemin Lin, published in Proceedings of SIGMOD 2016.
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Olivier Schwander / torchspdnet
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePyTorch implementation of SPDNet for second order neural networks
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